When the word "common design" or consistent look of web page comes in mind many programmers thinking about the master pages but we can also give the consistent look to all web pages without master pages Using Themes and Skins.
So how to achieve it let us see step by step with some theoretical concepts so beginners and students can also understand it.
What Is Themes and Skins?Themes and Skins allow us to apply a consistent look and feel to the web application or web site, themes can be used to apply the common style to the HTML as well as controls and on the other hand skins can be only used to apply the styles to the controls.
I hope you understand the basic concept of using Themes and Skins,so in this article let us see about Themes step by step how to use it.
First Create the web application as- "Start" - "All Programs" - "Microsoft Visual Studio 2010"
- "File" - "New Website" - "C# - Empty website" (to avoid adding a master page)
- Give the web site a name, such as UsingThemes or whatever you wish and specify the location
- Then right-click on the solution in the Solution Explorer then select "Add New Item" - "Default.aspx page" (add two pages).
How to Add themes
Add Themes Folder
To use the themes in the web site ,we need to add Themes folder by right clicking on solution explorer as
After adding the theme folder ,add the stylsheet.css file by right clicking on theme folder,now solution explorer will look like as follows.
Now write the CSS coding inside StyleSheet.css file as
In the above code I have used just few code for designing body section but you can code for everything that what you want such as you can change the mouse cursor type as shown in below
I hope you understand the basic concepts from the above explanation .
How to Use themesTo use created themes in page
you need to assign the created theme at page level as shown below.
In the above source code ,we are assigning the created theme at page level, created theme automatically appears in the box after using Themes property at page header.
Now run the application,which shows the following look
now click on Nextpage button
From the above example,its clear that we can achieve common design without master page.
Advantages of Themes- Themes can be used to apply the common style to the HTML as well as controls.
- their is no need to call css class on all controls.
- It automatically apply to all controls after assigning created theme at the page level.
- gives the same consistency similar to master page in terms of design.
- When you use themes then you need to add styleSheet.css file and in other hand when you use Skin then you need to add file under theme folder.
- For detailed code please download the zip file attached above.
- Master Pages are not used only for designing,it has different uses and advantages.
From all the examples above we see how to apply common design to the form using theme. I hope this article is useful for all students and
beginners. If you have any suggestion related to this article then
please contact me.