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  • Sep, 2018 28

    Personal blog option to individual Author.

    I have an idea in my mind, can he have a personal blog option for individual author of C# Corner, who are interested to write their own personal blog, people are more interested in knowing personal information of the successful personalities how they struggled and reached certain stage.

    Posted on 28 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 23

    Monthly Winners

    I think the monthly winner activity has been closed, please continue this one this will motivate for authors.

    Posted on 23 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 20

    Any link clicked in C# Corner App should open the content in the App

    When we click the next article of article series from the C# corner App, the article is opening in a new browser window. Instead it should open the article in the App itself.

    Posted on 20 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 19

    Any filter within Friend list .

    Hi Team , In the My account section when we click on friends the friends details are showing in the page but if i want to filter by name then we have not the option so i think we have the option by which we can easily search any friend by name. Thanks .

    Posted on 19 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 19

    ebook submission process to be simplified

    ebook submission happens over an email and it becomes untraceable. Like submission of Article, there should be a form to submit the ebook.

    Posted on 19 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 19

    Year should be displayed on chapter event date milestone

    I was looking for the past events to see the topics. I was unable to find the year of the event until I haven't opened the event URL. So the year should be also added along with date and month to the milestone so that it will be easy to drill for past events.

    Posted on 19 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 19

    Need to show the Category info

    It will be nice to have a category/Technology info for every forum question in the list. This way it will be easy to pick that question. Currently, we need to click that question then we come to know it is of Andriod or any other technologies. As questions might look same for some of the technologies. Please check the attachment to see what exactly I mean to say.

    Posted on 19 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 14

    Linkedin url

    Need one more information on their view profile page that is Linkedin profile url of that user.

    Posted on 14 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 13

    Attendadee list in chapter event page in Mobile browser

    Can we have attendees list visible in Mobile browser in chapter event page.

    Posted on 13 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 12

    Idea Post Date According the User Time Zone

    When A user post an idea then it shows our c-sharpcorner server time, And in case of comment on idea it doing the same. I posted an idea 20 minute before at Sep 13th 5.00 AM. And Seeing the post date Sep 12. Now my idea is showing one day old. While I posted it just. The idea post and comment date will be shown in user time zone (From which country user opening the page).

    Posted on 12 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 12

    Forum Post and Reply datetime in Page Opening Time Zone

    When A user asks a question on forum then it shows our c-sharpcorner server time, And in case of reply it doing the same. The post and reply date will be shown in user time zone (From which country user opening the page). So that question asking person and replying person can see the time in their logged in time zone.

    Posted on 12 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 11

    Add Reading time to Articles

    Please Add Reading time,i.e How many mints it will take to read an article,approx.like in medium.com. it will help your reading skills and he will prepare his mind to read the article in specific time. Thanks

    Posted on 11 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 7

    Reputation Points based on Reads

    Can we add a Reputation Point for x Reads? for example, every 250 reads 1 Reputation Point. Like this Authors will be more happy to see their Reputation points keep growing and intend to publish most searchable and quality content here.

    Posted on 7 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 5

    Looking back for best Article Month Certificate and Speeking Certificate

    Hi, It will be great as if we have best Article of month award and Speaker Awards. But this time we can focus only for the Certificates not need to be as a Gift. Simple Certificate will be more value than any gifts ,Its for the hard works which community author are doing,Just for encourage them and it will be marked in their history as well as in the CSharpCorner community.

    Posted on 5 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 4

    Create a new "Sitefinity" CMS category

    Please add a new category for Sitefinity CMS which is a .Net MVC based CMS tool introduced by Telerik (Progress). https://www.sitefinity.com/

    Posted on 4 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 2

    Page view count should not increase on page refresh

    I suspect that, page or article views are been counted on page refresh. It simply means if I hit the F5 continuously, view count will increase rapidly without any limitation. In ideal scenario, views should be counted on IP address with time period.

    Posted on 2 Sep, 2018
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  • Sep, 2018 1

    Blog/Article owner can delete other user Comment(s)

    Current Scenario: Only blog/article owner can modify/delete its comment. Suggested Scenario: Blog/Article owner can delete other user Comment(s) as well.

    Posted on 1 Sep, 2018
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  • Aug, 2018 31

    Email this article to friend option on Article

    Option of sharing article or blog as email content is not sending email to given email id. I have shared few article with my friends but they are not getting an email for shared article.

    Posted on 31 Aug, 2018
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  • Aug, 2018 31

    need version of article to improve writing

    need a version of the article to improve writing, example, if I wrote 1 article then editors make changes that we can compare then it will help writers.

    Posted on 31 Aug, 2018
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  • Aug, 2018 30

    Mark as spam option for some repeated article

    Here some developer or programmer post their articles more than one. Here some author only post their articles , if someone asking any question to author about their post then the author not giving reply.and author just doing just copy - paste article from somewhere else and post.

    Posted on 30 Aug, 2018
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  • Aug, 2018 28

    Basic content authoring in Forum for Spam

    Recently it is noticed that, some spam advertising content is published in Forums For e.g.: https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/forums/how-to-grow-you-sexual-life There should be a basic spam filter for this.

    Posted on 28 Aug, 2018
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  • Aug, 2018 27

    Add auto correct word and link enable option within foram section.

    Hi Team , I think in the forum section we have 2 things : 1- Auto correct word option when we are writing something. 2- When add any link of any website then it will show as link not as text . Thanks

    Posted on 27 Aug, 2018
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  • Aug, 2018 27

    To Provide some internships to beginers & students

    Many of the students having enough skill but they don't have a certain platform to prove themselves just many of the c # members are highly professionals why can't they help the students by providing some internships or giving a chance to work with them in there projects Students don't think about the stipend they just need some platform & source t to prove themselves and a certification to show to them that they have completed some internships

    Posted on 27 Aug, 2018
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  • Aug, 2018 27

    Add category for Cosmos DB

    Cosmos DB is rapidly trending database in market so can we have a category for Cosmos DB?

    Posted on 27 Aug, 2018
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  • Aug, 2018 24

    Idea Of the Day

    There should be a section for publishing ideas by member date wise for motivation of C# Corner users. The number of ideas can be one, two or more for a days.

    Posted on 24 Aug, 2018
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