Chapter 6: Improving Class Quality

Posted by Packt Publishing Free Book | Visual Studio 2010 September 15, 2010
In this chapter we will see how to refactor our code to be more cohesive and less coupled.


Coupling is the degree to which two things are related. Coupling and cohesion go hand in hand. Something that is highly-cohesive generally has low coupling. Coupling is a form of dependency.

There are many different types of coupling when we're talking about software design and development. The effort here isn't to make a decoupled design, it's to change the coupling. At some level, one piece of code is coupled to every other piece of code in the system-there is rarely any change you can make to change that. Some code is more highly-coupled to other code and uses the other code directly. Some code is more loosely-coupled and uses other code indirectly. Efforts at refactoring towards a more loosely-coupled design are about the degree to which coupling has been made indirect.

Code can be coupled to other code by a shared data format (external coupling). Code can be coupled to other code by the fact that it results in the execution of other code (control coupling). Code can be coupled to other code by the fact that it results in executing other code by way of an abstract interface (message coupling). Code can be coupled to other code by the fact that they share data, usually in the form of parameters (data coupling). Code can be coupled to other code by the fact that it has a subclass relationship (subclass coupling). Code can also be coupled to other code by that fact that it directly references a type's public interface (content coupling). The direction and degree to which a type is coupled can also help focus our refactoring efforts. Afferent coupling is the degree to which a type is depended upon (inward coupling). Efferent coupling is the degree to which a type depends on other types (outward coupling). High afferent coupling can indicate that a type has too many responsibilities. It's trying to be everything to everyone and thus being used by everyone. High efferent coupling could indicate a type is very dependant. This becomes an issue when the types the class depends upon are in many different assemblies, suggesting a cohesion issue at the assembly layer.

Highly-coupled software is generally accepted to exhibit certain traits, and it can be hard to change. It's like pulling on the thread of a sweater; there are so many dependencies it's impossible to predict how much code will need to be modified in order to make a seemingly simple change. Highly-coupled code is also very rigid. It's hard to move or hard not to duplicate it outside its current context. It carries a lot of baggage (dependencies) with it that need to move with it as a unit. It's one thing to move the code you want to move, it's exponentially harder to move all its dependencies.

While good object-oriented design often promotes high cohesion, loosely coupled design and structure can easily fall to the wayside.

Refactoring subclass coupling

Refactoring subclass coupling involves removing the inheritance relationship between two classes. We discussed Composition over Inheritance in Chapter 5 and detailed how to refactor from inheritance to composition.

Refactoring content coupling

Content coupling is one class directly referencing another. There are several tactics for refactoring away this coupling. Depending on the situation, one tactic may be more applicable than another. One tactic is to use interface-based design and remove the coupling to the content of the class and replace it with coupling to an interface that the other class now implements. Another tactic is to replace method calls into the other class with delegate invocations. A final tactic is to use events instead of direct method calls.

For any particular refactoring, a combination of these tactics may be the best solution. You may find that despite a one-to-one coupling between two classes, it's more appropriate to use a combination of tactics to refactor away the content coupling.

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