Working with Appointments
The last piece of Pocket Outlook data we have to examine is appointments. As with tasks and contacts, the Pocket Outlook .NET component makes working with appointments anveasy task.From the development standpoint, appointments offer a powerful way to integrate mobile applications with back-end scheduling systems. From your application, through Pocket Outlook, ActiveSync, Outlook, and finally an enterprise server, you have a seamless path for the delivery of appointment-related data. This functionality can be used to schedule maintenance, meetings, followups, or any task that is date and time specific.Appointment functionality is exposed to the .NET Compact Framework through the Pocket Outlook .NET component from InTheHand. This component's Appointments property and Appointment object are the subjects to this section.
The Appointments Property
The Appointments property of the OutlookApplication object provides access to the collection of appointments resident on a device. In actuality, the Appointments property provides an interface to the Appointments folder. The underlying Pocket Outlook Object Model supplies access to this folder. This property links through to an Items collection that contains the actual appointments. This section includes several examples of the Appointments property along with its Items collection.The Appointment Object
Individual appointments are created and modified through the Appointment object. Commonly used properties and methods for this object are shown in Tables 18-5 and 18-6 respectively.
Table 18-5. Commonly Used Properties of the Appointment Object
Specifies the categories for which this appointment is assigned
Specifies when the appointment ends
Table 18-6. Commonly Used Methods of the Appointment Object
Saves modifications made to an appointment
While these tables serve well for reference purposes, a set of practical demonstrations follow that provide detailed examples of commonly performed appointment-related operations.
Retrieving All AppointmentsWhether or not you retrieve all appointments is going to be dependent upon your applications. Typically, you won't, instead opting for a range of dates under which the appointments fall. As with tasks and contacts, there are several ways that you can retrieve appointments:
We'll start by looking at how to retrieve all appointments. It's the simplest method, and while not the most commonly used approach, it's still utilized within mobile applications. Listing 18-21 demonstrates this process.
Listing 18-21. Retrieving All of the Appointments
Imports InTheHand.PocketOutlook
[at the module level]Dim poApplication As New OutlookApplicationDim myAppointments As OutlookItemCollection
Private Sub btnLoad_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoad.Click
' Retrieve all of the appointments. myAppointments = poApplication.Appointments.Items
The keys to this example are as follows:
At this stage, the collection myAppointments contains a set of appointment objects, one for each appointment that resides on the device. You can loop through this collection to view information on specific appointments.
Retrieving Appointments for a Given Date
While you may at times retrieve a list of all appointments, more commonly your application will want only those appointments that fall within a certain range of dates.Listing 18-22 demonstrates retrieving a subset of appointments. First, appointments for today are grabbed. Next, appointments for tomorrow are retrieved. Finally, how to select appointments for the next week is shown.
Listing 18-22. Retrieving Appointments for Specific Dates
[at the module level]Dim poApplication As New OutlookApplicationDim myAppointmens As OutlookItemCollection
Private Sub btnSelect_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSelect.Click
Dim strQuery As String Dim tmpDate As Date
' Retrieve appointments for today. strQuery = "[Start] = " & _ ControlChars.Quote & Date.Today.ToShortDateString & _ ControlChars.Quote myAppointments = poApplication.Calendar.Items.Restrict(strQuery)
' Retrieve appointments for tomorrow. tmpDate = Date.Today.AddDays(1) strQuery = "[Start] = " & _ ControlChars.Quote & tmpDate.Date.ToShortDateString & ControlChars.Quote myAppointments = poApplication.Calendar.Items.Restrict(strQuery)
' Retrieve appointments for this next week. tmpDate = Date.Today.AddDays(7) strQuery = "[Start] >= " & _ ControlChars.Quote & Date.Today.ToShortDateString & ControlChars.Quote strQuery = strQuery & " AND [Start] < " & ControlChars.Quote & _ tmpDate.Date.ToShortDateString & ControlChars.Quote myAppointments = poApplication.Calendar.Items.Restrict(strQuery
End Sub
The preparatory work for this example is identical to that required by the previous example. You have to include the Imports statement and the declaration of both the variables for OutlookApplication and OutlookItemCollection.
Each of the sections of code that select appointments for today, tomorrow, and the next week make use of the Restrict method to retrieve the appropriate data. As you can see, the key to these Restrict statements is some creative date manipulations.
NOTE While this example focuses on restricting appointments by their start date, you can in fact restrict appointments based upon the values of any of their properties.
Displaying an Appointment
As you've already seen with tasks and contacts, POOM provides you with the ability to access the native application interface of its data types through your application. What users will see is an appointment, displayed in the Pocket PC appointment interface.
This functionality is provided by the Display method of the Appointment object. Listing 18-23 shows an example of this technique.
Listing 18-23. Displaying an Appointment
Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click
Dim myAppointment As Appointment
' Display the first appointment. myAppointment = myAppointments.Item(0) myAppointment.Display()
As with both of the examples involving retrieving appointments, you need to add to your application declarations for the Imports statement and the variables for both OutlookApplication and OutlookItemCollection. At the bottom of Listing 18-23 you'll see the code used to display an appointment. First,a collection of all appointments is retrieved. Next, a single appointment is selected, in this case the first appointment, and this appointment is used to create an Appointment object. It's through this Appointment object that you gain access to the Display method, which causes the appointment to be displayed.
Adding an Appointment
Adding an appointment is a three-step process. First, you need to create a new appointment. Second, you need to configure the appointment. Third, you need to save the appointment. Listing 18-24 demonstrates this process.
Listing 18-24. Adding an Appointment
[at the module level]Dim poApplication As New OutlookApplication
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
' Create a new appointment. myAppointment = poApplication.CreateAppointment
' Configure the appointment. With myAppointment .Body = "This is a sample appointment." .Categories = "demo" .End = DateAdd(DateInterval.Hour, 1, Now) .Location = "New York" .Start = Now .Subject = "demo appointment"
' Finally, save the appointment. .Save() End With
End SubAs with the previous appointment examples, you start by adding the Imports statement and declaring the variables for OutlookApplication and OutlookItemCollection.
At the bottom of Listing 18-24 is the code that performs the three steps required to add an appointment. First, a call is made to the CreateAppointment method of the OutlookApplication object. Second, the properties of the new appointment are configured. Finally, the Appointment object's Save method is called to save the appointment.
Modifying an Appointment
The process of modifying an appointment is similar to adding an appointment,only instead of creating a new appointment, you load an existing appointment into an Appointment object. Listing 18-25 demonstrates this process.
Listing 18-25.Modifying an Existing Appointment
Private Sub btnModify_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnModify.Click
' Retrieve all of the appointment. myAppointments = poApplication.Appointments.Items
' Modify the first appointment. myAppointment = myAppointments.Item(0) With myAppointment .Body = "This is updated content." .Save() End With
As with all of the previous appointment examples, you start by adding an Imports statement and declaring the variables for OutlookApplication and OutlookItemCollection. At the bottom of Listing 18-25, you'll find where theappointment is first retrieved. In this example, all of the appointments are retrieved, but only the first appointment is loaded into the Appointment object.From this point, you're free to modify any of the Appointment object's properties.You finish the modification process by calling the Appointment object's Save method.
Now that you've seen the basics of working with appointments, let's put all of these techniques together into a comprehensive example.