Related resources for RSSBus
  • Use the Force - Creating Salesforce Apps with RSSBus and Syncfusion10/20/2012 6:35:08 AM. allows your sales team to track customers and prospects to help manage selling your products and services. With the help of RSSBus and Syncfusion, you can tap into the API and take control of the data for your sales accounts. This review delves into the features of RSSBus and Syncfusion that help you get there.
  • Hooking into your Google Apps With the RSSBus Google Data Provider12/2/2010 1:55:08 PM. This is a review of a component called the RSSBus Google Data Provider which allows you to access the Google API through a Sql Data Provider. This provider opens up the entire Google Application Suite to the .NET developer through familiar ADO.NET tools and classes.