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Determine the Time since the Last Boot Up in C#
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Converters In WPF
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List to Datatable Converter Using C#
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In this article, I will describe you how to convert a List objects to a DataTable.
Parsing List of JSON Elements as List With JSON.Net
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Convert Date From Solar (Gregorian) to Lunar (Hijri) Using JavaScript
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This article describes how to convert a date from Solar to Lunar using JavaScript.
Xamarin.Forms - Useful String Converters for Your Text
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In this article, I will share some useful string converters for Xamarin.Forms that I use in my daily work to format specific content
Xamarin.Forms - Converter In MVVM Using IValueConverter
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In this article, you will learn how to use Converter in MVVM using IValueConverter in Xamarin.Forms.
Implementation of Internationalization in Java Using Locale Class
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How to Convert String to Hexadecimal and Vice versa
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Working with DropDownList and ListBox Controls in ASP.NET
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Word to HTML Converter using ASP.Net 2.0 and Microsoft 11.0 object Library
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This article uses Microsoft 11.0 object library & process the word document in the backend and convert to HTML document.
Unit Converter: Part I (Mass Converter)
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This is a very basic engineering Mass converter. The following units can be converted with the use of this example: Grams, Kilograms, Metric tonnes, Short ton, Long ton, Pounds, Ounces
Convert Byte Array to Int in C#
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The code snippet in this article converts different integer values to a byte array and vice-versa using BitConverter class.
Convert Integer to Byte Array in C#
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How to Convert a Byte Array to Double in C#
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This code snippet is an example of how to convert a byte array to double. Code also shows conversion of double to a byte array using C#.
Learn About Converters In WPF
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Converters are basically a medium to convert values in one form to another form. Converters usually implement IValueConverter interface, which contain two methods, Convert() and ConvertBack().
Edit Almost Anything with AgileStudio
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Converters In WPF
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Quick Start Tutorial: Creating Universal Apps Via Xamarin: IValueConverter In Xaml - Part 14
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In this article, you will learn about IValueConverter in Xaml for creating universal apps via Xamarin.
Parameter Binding In ASP.NET Web API
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In this article, you will learn about parameter binding in ASP.NET Web API.
Value Converters In WPF
4/18/2016 5:41:11 PM.
In this article you will learn about Value Converters in WPF.
Language Converter Using Google Translator Plugin In ASP.NET
2/28/2016 11:16:11 AM.
In this article you will learn how to create a Language Converter using Google Translator Plugin in ASP.NET.
Value Converter In WPF
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In this article you will learn how to create Value Converter in WPF.
Introducing Croft.Core For Universal Windows Apps
11/15/2015 9:07:13 AM.
Take a look at and contribute towards a core set of features developers may need for their UWP applications.
String To Value Type Converter Implementation
9/12/2015 7:23:28 AM.
In this article we will learn how to use string to value type converter and its implementation.
Bind The Visibility Of A Control Based On The Property Of RadioButton or CheckBox
9/4/2015 5:04:38 AM.
In this article you will learn how to use BooleanToVisibility Converter to bind the visibility of a Control based on checked or unchecked property of RadioButton or CheckBox.
Converters in WPF
5/16/2015 6:28:34 PM.
This article explains converters and the types of converters with code examples.
WPF MultiValue Converters
5/16/2015 2:37:33 PM.
This article shows how to use MultiValue Converters in WPF.
WPF Value Converters
5/16/2015 2:11:41 PM.
This article explains Value Converters of WPF and provides examples of usiing Value Converters.
Multibinding and IMultiValueConverter in WPF
3/6/2015 1:12:15 AM.
This article explains the Multibinding and IMultiValueConverter in WPF.
Text to Speech Converter in C#
12/16/2014 11:13:20 PM.
In this article, we will learn how to create a Text to Speech Converter in a C# Windows Forms application using the SpeechSynthesizer class.
C# and XAML within a Silverlight 2 context - Data conversion: Part VII
9/4/2014 7:30:40 AM.
In this article I will show how to implement a customized converter as a part of the article how does XAML interact within C# code.
Convert Date From Solar (Gregorian) to Lunar (Hijri) Using C#
8/19/2014 12:57:49 PM.
This article describes how to convert a date from Solar to Lunar using Visual C#.
Convert Date From Solar (Gregorian) to Lunar (Hijri) Using VB.NET
8/19/2014 4:59:18 AM.
This article describes how to convert a date from Solar to Lunar using VB.Net.
Convert Color Image Into Gray Scale Image In ASP .NET
4/13/2014 4:44:10 PM.
This article explains how to convert a color image into a gray scale image.
Introduction to XAML
3/23/2014 1:41:54 PM.
This introduction to XAML will talk about the basics of XAML.
Binding Radio Buttons Using Group Property in WPF
2/7/2014 5:10:25 PM.
In this article I am going to tell you about binding Radio Buttons using the Group Property in WPF.
Live Currency Converter Using ASP.NET C#
11/21/2013 1:20:52 PM.
In this article I will explain how to create the Live Currency Converter application in ASP.Net C# using the Google API.
Length Converter In JavaScript
7/7/2013 12:09:17 AM.
In this example we will create a Length Converter using Javascript. This is one of the basic Unit Converters.
Unit Converter Part - IV (Length Converter) in Window Phone7
4/8/2013 4:21:58 PM.
This is a very basic engineering length convertor. The following units can be converted with the use of this example: Millimeters, Centimeters, Meters, Kilometers, Inches, Feet, Yards and Miles.
Area Converter in Windows Phone
4/8/2013 4:11:30 PM.
This is a very basic engineering area converter. The following units can be converted with the use of this example: Square Millimeters, Square Centimeters, Square Meters, Square Inches, Square Feet and Square Yards.
Unit Converter Part: II (Speed Converter)
4/8/2013 12:50:50 AM.
This is a very basic engineering speed convertor.
Text to Speech Converter in Vs 2012
3/1/2013 12:11:40 PM.
In this article I explain how to Convert text into speech in C#.
Binary to Octal Converter Windows Store App
2/22/2013 1:38:25 PM.
In this article you will learn about how to convert binary to octal in Windows Store App.
Convert Octal to Decimal Number in Windows Store App
2/17/2013 4:35:00 PM.
In this article I am explain how to convert numbers expressed as octal to numbers expressed as decimal in Windows Store Apps.
Building the Unit Converter in Windows Store App
1/7/2013 4:18:55 AM.
In this article we will learn how to create a simple unit converter using JavaScript in a Windows Store App.
Unit Converter in IPhone
11/21/2012 2:47:42 PM.
In this article we create a single-view application. The sample is a units converter which changes the temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius. It uses a text field, button and label from outlets.
Unit Conversion Tool for Pocket PC with Compact Framework in VB.NET
11/10/2012 3:01:22 AM.
This article explains about the unit conversion tool for Pocket PC. I have created a Unit conversion tool to calculate conversion from 16 different types.
Determine the Time Since the Last Boot Up in Visual Basic
11/9/2012 6:39:08 AM.
This article describes an approach used to determine the time of the last system boot up and to display the time elapsed since boot up.
Value Converter to Binding in Windows Store Apps Using XAML
10/24/2012 1:13:28 PM.
In this article I show how to implement an IValueConverter Interface for performing a Custom Value converter and create our own Converter Class.
A Simple Virtual Voltmeter Using GDI+ and the GP-3 Board
10/3/2012 12:07:01 PM.
This is a less complex, nevertheless interesting example of how to use the same board to create a simple voltmeter.
Bit Flags Type Converter
9/30/2012 4:31:37 AM.
This article shows an implementation of TypeConverter which allows you to edit bit flags enumerations in PropertyGrid.
WPF ComboBox doesn't bind correctly - Binding to Nullable Ints
9/29/2012 9:49:53 AM.
If you have been working with WPF and have had issues with your ComboBox or any list control binding then you can stop pulling your hair out.
Value Converter In WPF - Part I
9/29/2012 8:14:49 AM.
In this article series we will see what are Value Converters and how it can be used and usefulness in WPF.
The XmlConvert class
9/29/2012 6:01:36 AM.
In this article I will explain you how to read an XmlConvert Class in ADO.NET.
XML to HTML Converter Using XSLT
9/29/2012 5:17:15 AM.
In this article we see XML to HTML Converter using XSLT.
About Development on Two-Way RTF to XML/XHTML Converter Components and Services
9/29/2012 4:55:54 AM.
Microsoft introduced the Rich Text Format for specifying simple formatted text with embedded graphics. Initially intended to transfer such data between different applications on different operating systems, today this format is commonly used in Windows for enhanced editing capabilities. The XHTML to RTF converter consists in an XSL stylesheet for parsing XHTML tags and generating their RTF equivalents.
Convert Bool to Byte Array in C#
7/4/2012 7:52:04 PM.
This article demonstrates how to convert a boolean value to a byte array in C#.
Performing Data Conversion with Value Converter Class in Silverlight
9/4/2011 5:44:13 PM.
The Value Converter Class in Silverlight is responsible for converting source data just before it is displayed in the target and also doing job of converting the new target value just before it is supplied back to the source.
Silverlight - Converters Example
8/8/2011 5:57:31 PM.
In this article I am introducing how converters work in Silverlight. This is part of a series intended for Silverlight Beginners.
Word To PDF Converter
6/3/2011 2:36:42 AM.
This article explains a way to convert a Microsoft Word Document to PDF Format.
The ColorConverter and ColorTranslater Classes in GDI+
12/18/2009 3:54:37 AM.
In this article I will explain about ColorConverter and ColorTranslater Classes in GDI+.
XAML and C# -Introduction: Part I
12/29/2008 11:06:11 AM.
This article is supposed to be an introduction to Data Binding logic within Silverlight 2 context, five questions are introduced in this context and they will be answered briefly in this introductry article and in more details in the subsequent parts.
Simple Password Encryption Program
10/31/2006 7:22:11 AM.
This article shows you how to make a simple password encryption program.
PDF Converter
12/28/2005 3:42:18 AM.
This is a PDF converter tool which can reads text documents and converts them to PDF documents.
IP Address Hostname Convertor
12/27/2005 1:20:21 AM.
This is an IP Address-Hostname converter written in C# Windows Forms.
Virtual Voltmeter using GDI+ and GP-3 Board
12/26/2005 2:31:54 AM.
This is a less complex, nevertheless interesting example of how to use the same board to create a simple voltmeter.