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Visual Studio
Welcome to Visual Studio section of C# Corner. In this section, you will find various Visual Studio related source code samples, articles, tutorials, and tips using C# language.
How to Write Custom IntelliSense Suggestions in Visual Studio: A Dash of .NET - Ep. 2
In this session, we'll dive into the intricacies of enhancing your coding experience by creating personalized IntelliSense suggestions tailored to your specific needs.
Stephen Simon
Dec 12, 2023
Bridge to Kubernetes
Setting up and running a microservice application locally?can be time-consuming and complex. Visual Studio PM Nick Greenfield shows how Bridge to Kubernetes enables you to connect to a Kubernetes c...
Cecil Phillip
Jul 04, 2021
Rockin' The Code World with dotNetDave ft. Kira Weiss Ep. 24
Join us with Kira Weiss on Rockin' The Code World with dotNetDave - a weekly show to learn & live Q&A on .NET and other programming technologies.
CSharp TV
May 10, 2021
Visual Studio Code - How to get started with C# project
In this video, you will learn from scratch on how and from to install VSCode, high level overview of VSCode editor, what all useful extensions are available for creating C# project, how to create a...
Shweta Lodha
Apr 04, 2021
Rockin’ The Code World with dotNetDave - ft. Kendra Havens Ep. 14
In this episode host, David McCarter sits down with guest Kendra Havens to talk about Productivity.
CSharp TV
Feb 09, 2021
Compare And Update SQL Server Database Project With Visual Studio
In this article, you will learn how to create a SQL Server Database project using Visual Studio 2019 and how to compare and update the SQL Server Database Project from the remote SQL Server Databas...
Habibul Rehman
Aug 23, 2020
Visual Studio Code Tips and Tricks
Here are some VS Code tips and tricks related to editor customizations, time-saving extensions, debugging, and remote development in remote VMs, Docker containers, and the Windows Subsystem for Lin...
Mahesh Chand
May 21, 2020
Increase Productivity with Visual Studio 2019
Learn how to increase your .NET app dev productivity with Visual Studio 2019.
Mahesh Chand
Oct 02, 2019
Build an ASP.NET Core Linux Container with Visual Studio
Learn how to enable docker in an ASP.NET Core application and use Visual Studio to build and debug your dockerized application on a Linux container.
Andrea Angella
Sep 27, 2019
MSTest v2 - How it Differs
In this video, you will get a clear understanding of MSTest v2 usage in Visual Studio 2019 by Ref.
Jaish Mathews
Sep 19, 2019
Track Database Changes With Git Using Visual Studio
In this video, you will learn how to track and manage your SQL Server database changes with Git using Visual Studio database project.
Dharmraj Thakur
Aug 09, 2019
How To Create A Console App📲 Using C# In Visual Studio
In this video, I have demonstrated how we can create a basic console app using Visual Studio and C# as language. This video will help the beginners to touch the ground for the first time with no co...
Kapil Gaur
Jan 07, 2019
Visual Studio Free Awesome Extensions And Their Uses - Part 1
In this video you learn how to use the different Visual Studio Extensions like jQuery Snippets, CodeMaid, SmartPaster, Visual Studio Spell Checker. Also you will learn that how you can install the...
Abhi Sankrityayan
Jul 15, 2016
Debugging C# In Visual Studio
In this video learn about debugging C# code in Visual Studio. This video has code walkthrough for C# debugging. By the end of this video, you will be able to understand how you can debug code and r...
Jatin Malik
Sep 04, 2017
Why Visual Studio 2017? Few Features of VS2017 You May Love
This is the video recording of the Webinar executed on April 2, 2017 on C# Corner Chennai Chapter. In this video we are sharing some cool new faetures of VS2017.
Sibeesh Venu
Apr 19, 2017
New Refactoring and Text Editor Options in VS2017
Refactoring options are there in all the versions of Visual Studio. But what makes the difference in VS2017, In this video we are going to find out that. With the release of VS2017, the team has ad...
Sibeesh Venu
Apr 13, 2017
Visual Studio 2017 Features
Here in this video, I had explained about features of Visual Studio 2017.
Rahul Sahay
Apr 10, 2017
What Is There For A JavaScript Developer In VS2017
If you are a JavaScript developer, with the release of VS2017, now you have some new cool features available. In this video we are going to see few of them in action. I hope you will like this.
Sibeesh Venu
Apr 04, 2017
Modify Or Add Project Templates To VS2017
In this video, we are going to see how we can add or modify the project templates or workloads in our existing Visual Studio 2017.
Sibeesh Venu
Apr 03, 2017
Visual Studio 2017 Start Page Changes
In this video, we are going to see what are all things VS2017 start page has to offer.
Sibeesh Venu
Mar 30, 2017
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