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  • Deep Dive to Nullable Types in C#Apr 27, 2014. Here you will learn about the C# Nullable Type. Nullable Type is a value type but it has features of both Reference and Value type. Nullable Type has the capability to hold a value or can have a null reference, in other words there is no value. Nullable types were introduced in .Net 2.0.
  • Introduction to .Net Framework 2.0 Nullable Types in VB.NETNov 09, 2012. Sometimes you work with a value type that does not have a defined value in certain circumstances.
  • C# Foundation - Nullable TypesNov 28, 2024. This article covers the basics, syntax, and practical use cases of nullable types, enabling you to write safer, more reliable code by avoiding null reference errors effectively.
  • Nullable Types And Null Coalescing Operator In C#Feb 27, 2016. In this article you will learn about nullable types and the null coalescing operator in C#. We will also see its use in LINQ queries.
  • How to Assign Null Value to Value Type Using Nullable TypesFeb 26, 2013. In this article you will learn how do assign null value to valuetype by using Nullable types.
  • Nullable Types in C#Jun 08, 2009. A C# nullable type is a data type that contains the defined data type or the value of null. This article explains the use of C# Nullable Types.
  • Introduction to .Net Framework 2.0 Nullable TypesAug 23, 2006. Sometimes you work with a value type that does not have a defined value in certain circumstances. For example, a field in a database might need to distinguish between having been assigned a meaningful value and never having been assigned a value. Value types can be extended to take either their normal values or a null value. Such an extension is called a nullable type
  • Nullable Types in C#: Basic IntroductionMay 02, 2006. This article gives a quick view in to the problems faced with the value type objects and the solution to the problems. This beautiful facility is introduced by Microsoft as an concept called “Nullable Types” in the C# 2.0.
  • C# 2.0 Nullable TypesFeb 14, 2006. The designers of C#2 have added the concept of nullable types to deal with a weakness of value types versus reference types. It is then essential to have properly assimilated these two notions.
  • C# 2.0 Feature: Nullable TypesAug 28, 2005. C# 2.0 allows you to assign null values to primitive types including boolean and integer, which wasn't possible in previous version of C#.