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  • Reversing Parameter Order with Named Arguments in C#Apr 24, 2024. In C#, methods often take parameters that are passed in a specific order defined by their method signature. However, there are cases where you might want to reverse the order of parameters when calling a method. One approach to achieve this is by using named arguments.
  • Optional Parameters and Named Arguments in C# 4.0Sep 02, 2011. Optional parameters and named arguments have been a part of C++ and VB.Net for years. They are new to C# in version 4.0.
  • Optional and Named Arguments in C#May 31, 2011. In this quick article you will learn about Optional and Named Arguments in C#.
  • Named arguments in C# 4.0Dec 02, 2010. This new feature of c# 4.0 allows users to define arguments in the calling statement in any order rather than defined in the parameter list.