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Modern Featured Entity Framework With SQLite DB Example
Dec 11, 2024.
Learn to build a .NET Core application using C# async/await and SQLite with Entity Framework. Implement CRUD operations, handle asynchronous tasks, and explore efficient database interaction using Visual Studio 2022.
Working with Entity Framework Core
Jul 15, 2024.
Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is a powerful Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework provided by Microsoft for .NET applications. It simplifies data access and persistence by allowing developers to work with databases using .NET objects, thus abstracting away the complexity of database interactions.
Count vs. Any in Entity Framework for Efficient Querying in .NET
May 24, 2024.
Entity Framework (EF) is a powerful Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) for .NET, allowing developers to interact with databases using .NET objects. When working with EF, it's crucial to write efficient queries to ensure optimal performance.
Soft Delete in Entity Framework Core
Apr 08, 2024.
Soft delete in Entity Framework Core allows for logically marking records as deleted without physically removing them from the database. This technique involves setting a flag, often "IsDeleted," to true instead of deleting the record.
Soft Deletion in Entity Framework Core
Mar 23, 2024.
In this article, we will delve into the concept of soft deletion and illustrate how to implement it effectively with EF Core.
A Comprehensive Guide to Entity Framework Core in .NET 8
Mar 10, 2024.
Explore the comprehensive guide to Entity Framework Core in .NET 8, enriched with the latest features of C# 10. Authored by Ziggy Rafiq, this detailed overview covers everything from basic concepts to advanced techniques, offering insights into database interaction, performance optimisation, testing strategies, and best practices for .NET developers
Working with Noda Time, .Net and Entity Framework (EF core)
Jan 15, 2024.
Working with NodaTime with EF core which is a alternative DateTime framework for .net applications.
10 Common Entity Framework interview questions and answers.
Dec 24, 2023.
here is some common Entity Framework interview questions.
Implement Entity Framework A Code First Approach in .Net 8 API
Dec 18, 2023.
In this article, we are going to discuss. How to implement Entity Framework a code first approach in .Net 8 API. In this approach, model classes and their relation are created first using the ORM designer, and the physical database will be generated using this model. The Model First approach means we create a diagram of the entity and relation that will be converted automatically into a code model.
Synergy of .NET, DevOps, and Entity Framework Core
Dec 06, 2023.
Explore the synergy of DevOps, .NET, and Entity Framework Core for streamlined and efficient software development. Learn to integrate CI/CD pipelines, version control, and automated testing for high-quality applications.
Integrating Dynamics 365 CRM with .NET Using Entity Framework Core
Oct 01, 2023.
In this article, we will explore how to seamlessly integrate Dynamics 365 CRM with .NET using Entity Framework Core, backed up with practical examples.
Dapper VS Entity Framework in Core
May 10, 2023.
In this article, I have explained the difference between Dapper and Entity Framework
Maximizing Performance in Entity Framework Core: Tracking vs No Tracking
May 04, 2023.
In this article, we will learn about Maximizing Performance in Entity Framework Core and what is the difference between Tracking and No Tracking.
Dapper vs Entity Framework Core vs ADO.NET: Which One Should You Choose?
Apr 19, 2023.
Dapper vs Entity Framework Core vs ADO.NET: Which One Should You Choose?
Dapper Vs Entity Framework Core
Apr 10, 2023.
In this article, we are going to learn about the ORM tools which we commonly used in our day-to-day projects and its benefits
Exploring PostgreSQL Sequences With Entity Framework CORE
Mar 28, 2023.
In this article, you will learn how to explore PostgreSQL Sequences with Entity Framework CORE.
Get Started With ASP.NET Core Web API With Entity Framework core
Mar 14, 2023.
Tutorial to create ASP.NET Core Web API using Entity Framework Core - NET 6.0 - using EF Core Power Tools
Did You Hear About Query Filters In Entity Framework Core?
Feb 20, 2023.
In this article, we can learn about Global Query Filters in Entity Framework Core in .NET is a feature that allows us to apply filters to all queries of a specific entity type.
Get Started With Entity Framework Core Using SQLite
Dec 13, 2022.
In this article, you will learn about entity framework core using SQLite.
Build Minimal APIs In .NET 7 Using Entity Framework Core 7
Nov 28, 2022.
This article describes how we can build Minimal APIs in .NET 7 using Entity Framework Core 7 with an example and code details.
CRUD Operation Using Entity Framework Core And Stored Procedure In .NET Core 6 Web API
Oct 31, 2022.
In this article, you will learn about CRUD Operation using Entity Framework Core and Stored Procedure in .NET Core 6 Web API.
Installing Entity Framework Core
Oct 18, 2022.
In this article, you will learn how to Install Entity Framework Core in .Net Core application.
Introduction Of The Entity Framework Core 6.0
Oct 12, 2022.
In this article, you will learn about Entity Framework Core 6.0.
Caching In Entity Framework Core Using NCache
Jun 10, 2022.
It will be explained in this article how to integrate Entity Framework Core with a caching engine using NCache. The article will be given a practical example of how we could set up our Entity Framework Core in a Console application and how to make use of NCache to make faster requests to the database with its native in-memory distributed cache.
Caching In Entity Framework (EF) Core Using NCache
Jun 03, 2022.
In this article, you will lean about caching in Entity Framework (EF) Core using NCache.
Web Development With VUE.JS, .NET 5 And Entity Framework 5
May 12, 2022.
In this article, you will learn about Web Development with VUE.JS, .NET 5 and Entity Framework 5.
Relationships In Entity Framework Core
May 04, 2022.
This Articles Briefs about how we can Configure Various types of Relationships amongst the Entities Using Entity Framework Core Code First Approach.
Working With Data Using Entity Framework Core
Mar 29, 2022.
The article illustrates the implementation of Entity Framework Core Code First Approach using Data Models and Contexts Classes, as well as the migration commands and seeding of test data into the database.
Consuming GRPC Service At Client Based .NET Core 6.0 Entity Framework For CRUD Operation
Feb 09, 2022.
In our previous article (GRPC Service Create Using .NET Core 6.0 Entity Framework For CRUD Operation ( have seen how to create the GRPC service. In this article we are going to see to consume the GRPC service at the client
GRPC Service Create Using .NET Core 6.0 Entity Framework For CRUD Operation
Feb 04, 2022.
In this article, we are going to see the grpc vs existing rest api and for grpc how to implement by using .net core along with Entity Framework
Advanced Entity Framework Core - Output EF SQL Queries To The Console And Tips To Setup Dbcontext With The Development In Mind
Jan 10, 2022.
When you work with abstractions over SQL Database you may be wondering what does Entity Framework constructs from your Linq queries. To get a clue on it here are 3 options. Tips to setup DbContext with the development in mind for development purposes, you may sometimes decide to use an in-memory database for all environments including production, you may set up HealthChecks, below shows how to add health checks for the DbContext also for the development environment good to have set o.EnableDetailedErrors(); and o.EnableSensitiveDataLogging(); ?to manipulate with all these options you may consider adding configuration options
CRUD Operations Using Blazor, .Net 6.0, Entity Framework Core
Jan 02, 2022.
In this article, we are going to create a web application using Blazor, .Net 6.0 with the help of Entity Framework Core perform CRUD operations hosted by Asp.Net Core.
Advanced Entity Framework Core: Extract data access layer with migrations to the library project and Execute migrations from the command line
Oct 13, 2021.
See code examples in this article: Let's imagine you have a solution with many projects including a web application with the name "MiniService", which contains appsettings.json and a library project with DbContext and Migrations with any name f.e. "MiniService.Data". You most likely want to use the exact connection string in the appsettings.json used by the web app. May be different cases when you will need to run migrations from the command line, for example, there is no 'Package Manager Console' in VS for Mac.
Create ASP.NET Core Web API With Entity Framework Code First Approach
Sep 26, 2021.
In this article we are going to create WEB API in ASP.Net core using Entity Framework Core’s Code first approach. In this we are creating a simple crud operation of employees and test it using Swagger. In this API we are not going to use authentication, we added this in my upcoming articles.
Advanced Entity Framework Core Tips In Practice: Context pooling, Lazy vs Eager loading, Single vs. Split Queries, Tracking vs. No-Tracking Queries
Sep 22, 2021.
Advanced Entity Framework Core Tips In Practice: Context pooling, Lazy vs Eager loading, Single vs. Split Queries, Tracking vs. No-Tracking Queries
Advanced Entity Framework Core Tips In Practice: Concurrency, Query filters and SaveChanges Method Abilities💪
Sep 20, 2021.
I am describing the practical aspects of working with Entity Framework Core. In this article I am touching Concurrency token and RowVersion, on save changes interceptor with a bunch of useful logic like tracking who and when did the change, versions, validations and domain events sending.
Advanced Entity Framework Core Tips In Practice: DbContext separation, Fluent API and Entities configuration
Sep 13, 2021.
I am describing the practical aspects of working with Entity Framework Core. In this part, I am touching DbContext separation, Fluent API and Entities configuration.
Understanding Code First Approach Of Entity Framework Core
Jun 08, 2021.
In this article, we will understand code first approach of Entity framework Core in ASP.Net Core. In this article we use entity framework core for creating table in SQL, delete table, update table, add columns, remove column etc.
Bulk Operations Using Entity Framework Core
Apr 22, 2021.
In this article, we will see how we can perform bulk operations (CRUD) using EF Core using .Net 5 template
Blazor Server App CRUD With Entity Framework Core In .Net 5
Mar 19, 2021.
In this article, we will learn about the Blazor Server-Side CRUD Application using EF Core & .Net 5
Integrate Swagger With .NET Core 3.1 And Entity Framework Core
Mar 15, 2021.
In this article I will demonstrate how to integrate swagger UI with core web api and entityframe core. Swagger UI will help developer to test their API endpoint and provide documentation.
CRUD Operation With .NET Core 3.1 And Entity Framework Core
Mar 01, 2021.
In this article I am going to walk you through CRUD operation using .net core 3.1 and entity framework core.
How To Implement Database Views Using Entity Framework (EF) Code First Approach
Feb 26, 2021.
In this article, you will learn how to Implement Database Views Using Entity Framework (EF) Code First Approach.
Reducing Complexity Using Entity Framework Core Owned Types
Feb 08, 2021.
Simplify data modeling in Entity Framework Core with Owned Types. Streamline database schema and relationships, reducing complexity in code-first approaches. Enhance maintainability and readability with simplified data structures.
ASP.NET Core, Web API - Entity Framework Call Stored Procedure Implementation
Dec 09, 2020.
We can build Web API and Entity framework with code first or database first approach, however, it is hard to do so in the real working environment with ASP.NET Core Web API calling stored procedure. This article will give the way for developers by using ASP.NET Core, Web API, Entity Framework to call Stored procedure, step by step.
ASP.NET Core, Web API - Entity Framework Call Stored Procedure
Dec 09, 2020.
We can build a Web API and Entity framework with a code first or database first approach, however, it is hard to do so in the real working environment with ASP.NET Core Web API calling a stored procedure. This article will give a way for developers to do this by using ASP.NET Core, Web API, and Entity Framework to call a Stored procedure step-by-step.
Simple Insert And Select (CRUD) Operation Using .NET Core MVC With ADO.NET And Entity Framework Core
Nov 28, 2020.
Learn to perform basic CRUD operations in .NET Core MVC using both ADO.NET and Entity Framework Core. Build a robust data access layer for seamless integration with your web application.
Application Insights In MVC Core, Web API Core And Entity Framework Core
Oct 08, 2020.
Learn to set up Application Insights SDK in Visual Studio 2019 for local diagnostics. Configure telemetry collection, view dashboard, apply filters, analyze logs, and monitor performance. Enhance debugging with detailed stack information and statistics graphs.
Application Insights In MVC Core, Web API Core And Entity Framework Core
Oct 05, 2020.
Explore comprehensive monitoring and performance tracking with Application Insights in MVC Core, Web API Core, and Entity Framework Core. Gain insights into application behavior, error logging, and data visualization for enhanced performance optimization and troubleshooting.
Create An ASP.NET MVC CRUD Application With Entity Framework Using AJAX Request And jQuery
Jul 02, 2020.
Develop an ASP.NET MVC CRUD app using Entity Framework for data management. Employ AJAX requests and jQuery for seamless, asynchronous interaction, enhancing user experience and responsiveness.
DotVVM CRUD Application With Entity Framework And Cosmos DB
Jun 04, 2020.
In this article, you will learn about the DotVVM CRUD application with Entity Framework and Cosmos DB.
Create, Edit And Delete API Using Entity Framework Core
May 12, 2020.
In this article, you will learn about create, Edit and Delete API using Entity Framework Core.
Using Entity Framework Core Code First Approach
Apr 22, 2020.
In this article, you will learn how to use the Entity Framework Core code first approach.
Setting Up Entity Framework Using Code First Migrations
Apr 20, 2020.
In this article, you will learn about setting up entity framework using code first migrations.
Insert Records In Two Tables In Foreign Key Relationship Using Entity Framework Core
Apr 17, 2020.
In this article, you will learn how to Insert Records in two tables in foreign key relationship using entity framework core.
Efficient Data Modification with Entity Framework Core
Apr 16, 2020.
In this article, you will learn about efficient data modification with Entity Framework Core.
ASP.NET MVC - REST Web API SQL Server Connection Using Entity Framework Database First Approach
Apr 14, 2020.
This article is about creation of REST Web API connection with SQL server Entity Framework Database First approach using ASP.NET REST Web API platform.
Creating a Model and Database in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages Using Entity Framework Core
Mar 12, 2020.
In this article, you will learn how to create model and DbContext objects in ASP.Net Core razor pages using entity framework along with migrations.
How to Insert Console Application with Entity Framework
Nov 14, 2019.
Learn how to seamlessly integrate a console application with Entity Framework for efficient database operations. Explore how to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations within your .NET Core or C# project, enabling smooth data manipulation.
Create a Single Page App with Blazor Server and Entity Framework Core 3.0
Nov 03, 2019.
Create dynamic web applications efficiently using Blazor Server, a .NET Core framework, coupled with Entity Framework Core 3.0 for seamless data integration. Leverage C# to build interactive, single-page apps with server-side rendering, CRUD operations, and robust data management.
Learn 📖 Modal Popup Using MVC And Entity Framework In Depth
Aug 16, 2019.
Here, we will learn how to implement the basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using jQuery AJAX and modal popup in MVC 5 application.
Easily Create A Custom Project Template For MVC With Entity Framework
Jul 28, 2019.
In this post, we will create a custom project template for MVC with Entity Framework so that we can create the MVC project using EF Library in a single click.
ASP.NET MVC 5 - Entity Framework Database First Approach
Jul 25, 2019.
This article is about Entity Framework database-first approach with ASP.NET MVC5 platform.
CRUD ASP.NET Core Using Entity Framework Core With Swagger
Jul 23, 2019.
Learn to connect an existing website to a local database using Entity Framework Core. Benefit from faster setup, simplified data access, and reduced code with LINQ. Embrace cross-platform capabilities and continuous improvement.
Interview Key Points About Entity Framework In A Nutshell
Jul 10, 2019.
If you are facing an interview in Entity framework, then this is the article you must read before the interview process.
Database Connectivity With And Without Entity Framework In MVC
Jul 03, 2019.
This article will explain database connectivity with and without Entity framework.
Spatial Queries In Entity Framework Core
Jun 03, 2019.
In this article, you will learn about spatial queries in Entity Framework Core.
Shadow Properties In Entity Framework Core
May 22, 2019.
In this article, you will learn Entity Framework Core's shadow properties, and hidden fields in the model that aren't mapped to the database schema directly. Learn how to leverage them for metadata storage, auditing, or tracking without cluttering your entity classes or database tables.
Execute Stored Procedures In MVC Core Using Entity Framework Core
Apr 23, 2019.
In this article, you will learn how to execute stored procedures in MVC Core using Entity Framework Core.
Search Records Between Two Dates Using Stored Procedure And Entity Framework In ASP.NET MVC
Apr 16, 2019.
In this article, we will learn to write and execute a SQL stored procedure, pass parameters for date filtering, and retrieve results in an efficient and structured manner.
New Features Of Entity Framework Core 2.1 - Lazy Loading
Apr 12, 2019.
This article discusses the new feature added to Entity Framework Core 2.1, i.e., Lazy Loading.
Features Of Entity Framework Core 2.1 - Better Column Ordering In Initial Migration
Apr 11, 2019.
This article discusses the new features added in Entity Framework Core 2.1.
What Is Entity Framework And How Entity Framework Core Is Different
Apr 11, 2019.
This article is about Entity Framework and Entity Framework Core
ASP.NET MVC WebGrid With CRUD Record From Two Tables And Custom Search Functionality Using Entity Framework Database First Method
Mar 14, 2019.
This simple tutorial explains how to CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) records from two one-to-many linked tables (category and product) and display in a web grid.
GraphQL In .NET Core Web API With Entity Framework Core - Part Five
Mar 12, 2019.
In this article, we will see different query formats, the way of using a directive in a query, and the process of defining variables in the query.
GraphQL In .NET Core Web API With Entity Framework Core - Part Four
Mar 06, 2019.
In this article, we will explore advanced GraphQL integration in .NET Core Web API with Entity Framework Core. Part Four delves into optimized data access, schema design, and API development for robust backend solutions.
GraphQL In .NET Core Web API With Entity Framework Core - Part Three
Mar 02, 2019.
Explore GraphQL integration in .NET Core Web API using Entity Framework Core in Part Three of this series. Learn to efficiently query data with C# backend development, enhancing API capabilities.
Displaying Data From Two Tables With Custom Search Using Entity Framework Database-First Method
Mar 01, 2019.
This simple tutorial explains how to retrieve data from two one-to-many linked tables (category and product) and display in a web grid.
GraphQL In .NET Web API With Entity Framework Core - Part Two
Feb 28, 2019.
Explore advanced GraphQL integration in .NET Core Web API using Entity Framework Core. Learn efficient data modeling, schema design, and resolver implementation for seamless API development.
Generate Entity Framework Core Code First Models From Database In ASP.NET Core
Feb 23, 2019.
In this article, I have explained how to generate Entity Framework Core code-first models from the database in ASP.NET Core.
GraphQL In .NET Web API With Entity Framework Core - Part One
Feb 23, 2019.
In this article, we will learn about the step-by-step implementation of GraphQL in a Web API using ASP.NET Core, including database setup, scaffolding, configuration, repository creation, and GraphQL type implementation.
ASP.NET CORE - Learn CRUD Operations In Entity Framework Core From Zero To Hero [Updated .NET 7.0]
Feb 08, 2019.
This CRUD operations tutorial will help beginners learn to build database-driven applications in ASP.NET CORE and Entity Framework Core quickly. Here, the following things are used - ASP.NET CORE, EF CORE, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, & JavaScript
ASP.NET MVC 5 Webgrid Displaying Data From Two Tables (Models) With Pagination With Entity Framework Database First Method
Feb 08, 2019.
This is a simple tutorial describing how to use WEB GRID to display data from two linked tables. The Tables are Category Table and Product Table. With Web Grid, it is easy to do pagination and sorting of records. It is an ASP.NET MVC5 Application with SQL server Database.
Create RESTful API Using ASP.NET Core With Entity Framework Core
Feb 07, 2019.
From this article, you will learn how to create a RESTful API using ASP.NET Core with Entity Framework Core.
Angular 7 SPA CRUD With ASP.NET Core And Entity Framework Core
Nov 28, 2018.
It feels good to be back with the 18th article on Angular and that too with Angular 7 which is out recently.
Creating A Custom DataTable In MVC Using Entity Framework And jQuery/AJAX
Nov 23, 2018.
In this article, I will create a Custom Datatable in MVC using Entity Framework and Jquery / Ajax. Although there is jquery’s Datatable which can be used easily but here I will do server - side pagination and searching.
Understanding Entity Framework Core And Code First Migrations In EF Core
Nov 16, 2018.
In the previous articles (data access approach, code first approach, and WebAPI) we learned a lot about entity framework and its practical implementations. The intent of this article is to explain the concept of entity framework core. We’ll go step by step to explore the topic of entity framework core. We’ll explore the code first approach using EF Core and learn about data annotations as well. We’ll also cover code first migrations in this article along with an understanding of how to seed the database. I’ll use Visual Studio 2017 for the tutorial. For the database, we would be using SQL Server. You can make use of local dB if you do not have SQL server installed.
Retrieve Records In jQuery Datatable Using Entity Framework And Bootstrap
Nov 12, 2018.
In this session, I will show you the steps to Implement jQuery Datatable in ASP.NET MVC application. There is no need to add filter data and pagination manually. You can get all these benefits by using Datatable. Datatable is an open source.
Fetch Records In Angular Datatable Using Entity Framework And Bootstrap
Nov 12, 2018.
In this session, I will show you the steps to Implement Angular Datatable in ASP.NET MVC application. There is no need to add filter data and pagination manually. You can get all these benefits by using Datatable. Datatable is an open source.
ASP.NET Core 2.1 - Implement Entity Framework Core In A Code First Approach
Oct 17, 2018.
In this article, we will discuss the Code-First Approach in Entity Framework Core using ASP.NET Core2.1.
Learning Web API 2 With Entity Framework 6 Code First Migrations
Oct 13, 2018.
In the last article of learning Entity Framework, we learned the code-first approach and code-first migrations. In this article, we’ll learn how to perform CRUD operations with ASP.NET Web API2 and Entity Framework.
ASP.NET Core - Entity Framework Call Store Procedure
Oct 11, 2018.
This article is about calling store procedure using entity framework in ASP.NET Core.
ASP.NET Core - Entity Framework Query Through Database
Sep 26, 2018.
This article is about querying read data and insert data commands to the SQL Server database via the Entity Framework. ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core, Entity Framework Query Through Database
Blazor - CRUD Using PostgreSQL And Entity Framework Core
Sep 21, 2018.
We will see the CRUD actions in Blazor framework with PostgreSQL database and Entity Framework Core. We will create a sample Patient app with all CRUD actions.
ASP.NET Core Razor Pages - Simple Login Using Entity Framework Database First Approach
Sep 18, 2018.
This article is about creating razor pages base simple core login application using entity framework.
Code First Migration In Entity Framework - Part Five
Jul 20, 2018.
In the previous article, I have explained how to implement a code first approach with a CRUD operation when we don’t have an existing database. In this article, I will explain about Code First Migrations and how enable Code First Migrations.
Code First Approach With CRUD Operation In Entity Framework In MVC - Part Four
Jul 17, 2018.
In previous article, I have explained how to implement code first approach when we have existing database. Now, I will explain that how to implement code first approach when we don’t have existing database. Let‘s see step by step how to implement it.
ASP.NET Core Blazor Filtering And Sorting Using Entity Framework And Web API
May 26, 2018.
In this article, we will explain in detail, how to create an ASP.NET Core Blazor Filter and Sorting for HTML Table using Entity Framework and Web API.
ASP.NET Core Blazor CRUD Using Entity Framework And Web API
May 20, 2018.
In this article, we will see how to create a simple CRUD application for ASP.NET Core Blazor using Entity Framework and Web API. Blazor is a new framework introduced by Microsoft.
How To Implement Google Combo Chart Dynamically Using Entity Framework In ASP.NET
May 15, 2018.
In this article, I will demonstrate how to implement a Google combo chart dynamically using entity framework in ASP.NET.