In this chapter, we will learn about SQL and SQL Commands.
SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is used to create, remove, alter the database and database objects in a database management system and to store, retrieve, update the data in a database. SQL is a standard language for creating, accessing, manipulating database management system. SQL works for all modern relational database management systems, like SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, etc.
Different types of SQL commands
SQL commands can be categorized into five categories based on their functionality.
DDL stands for data definition language. DDL commands are used for creating and altering the database and database object in the relational database management system, like CREATE DATABASE, CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, etc. The most used DDL commands are CREATE, DROP, ALTER, and TRUNCATE.
CREATE command is used to create a database and database object like a table, index, view, trigger, stored procedure, etc.
Syntax CREATE TABLE Employee (Id INT, Name VARHCAR(50), Address VARCHAR (100));
ALTER command is used to restructure the database object and the settings in the database.
Syntax ALTER TABLE Employee ADD Salary INT;
The TRUNCATE command is used to remove all the data from the table. TRUNCATE command empties a table.
Syntax TRUNCATE TABLE Employee;
DROP command is used to remove the database and database object.
Syntax DROP TABLE Employee;
DML stands for Data Manipulation Language. DML commands are used for manipulating data in a relational database management system. DML commands are used for adding, removing, updating data in the database system, like INSERT INTO TableName, DELETE FROM TableName, UPDATE tableName set data, etc. The most used DML commands are INSERT INTO, DELETE FROM, UPDATE.
INSERT INTO command is used to add data to the database table.
Syntax INSERT INTO Employee (Id, Name, Address, Salary) VALUES (1, ‘Arvind Singh’, ‘Pune’, 1000);
UPDATE command is used to update data in the database table. A condition can be added using the WHERE clause to update a specific row.
Syntax UPDATE Employee SET Address = ‘Pune India’, Salary = 100 WHERE Id =1;
DELETE command is used to remove data from the database table. A condition can be added using the WHERE clause to remove a specific row that meets the condition.
Syntax DELETE FROM Employee WHERE Id =1;
DQL stands for the Data Query Language. DQL command is used for fetching the data. DQL command is used for selecting data from the table, view, temp table, table variable, etc. There is only one command under DQL which is the SELECT command.
Syntax SELECT * FROM Employee;
DCL stands for Data Control Language. DCL commands are used for providing and taking back the access rights on the database and database objects. DCL command used for controlling user’s access to the data. Most used DCL commands are GRANT and REVOKE.
TCL stands for transaction control language. TCL commands are used for handling transactions in the database. Transactions ensure data integrity in the multi-user environment. TCL commands can rollback and commit data modification in the database. The most used TCL commands are COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT, and SET TRANSACTION.
COMMIT command is used to save or apply the modification in the database.
ROLLBACK command is used to undo the modification.
SAVEPOINT command is used to temporarily save a transaction, the transaction can roll back to this point when it's needed.
Syntax Just write COMMIT or ROLLBACK or SAVEPOINT;
In this chapter, we discussed SQL commands and their fundamentals.