Virag Jain
what is Load Balancing?
  • Vishal Gupta
    Mar, 2008 30

    guys, this is in context of design patterns - hence the answer should be "Singleton" pattern. This is also called "Loadbalancer"...A singleton class always returns only one and same instance to the caller eacxh time.

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  • raj beniwal
    Jul, 2007 19

    In computer networking, load balancing is a technique (usually performed by load balancers) to spread work between many computers, processes, hard disks or other resources in order to get optimal resource utilization and decrease computing time.

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  • raj beniwal
    Jul, 2007 19

    A load balancer can be used to increase the capacity of a server farm beyond that of a single server. It can also allow the service to continue even in the face of server down time due to server failure or server maintenance.

    A load balancer consists of a virtual server (also referred to as vserver or VIP) which, in turn, consists of an IP address and port. This virtual server is bound to a number of physical services running on the physical servers in a server farm. These physical services contain the physical server's IP address and port. A client sends a request to the virtual server, which in turn selects a physical server in the server farm and directs this request to the selected physical server. Load balancers are sometimes referred to as "directors"; while originally a marketing name chosen by various companies, it also reflects the load balancer's role in managing connections between clients and servers.

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  • raj beniwal
    Jul, 2007 19

    A load balancer can be used to increase the capacity of a server farm beyond that of a single server. It can also allow the service to continue even in the face of server down time due to server failure or server maintenance.

    A load balancer consists of a virtual server (also referred to as vserver or VIP) which, in turn, consists of an IP address and port. This virtual server is bound to a number of physical services running on the physical servers in a server farm. These physical services contain the physical server's IP address and port. A client sends a request to the virtual server, which in turn selects a physical server in the server farm and directs this request to the selected physical server. Load balancers are sometimes referred to as "directors"; while originally a marketing name chosen by various companies, it also reflects the load balancer's role in managing connections between clients and servers.

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