Muhammad Imran Ansari
Is it possible to specify an access modifier for an Interface other than "public"?
By Muhammad Imran Ansari in .NET on Oct 20 2023
  • Jayraj Chhaya
    Dec, 2023 18

    In Dot Net, interfaces are by default public and cannot have any other access modifier specified. This is because interfaces are meant to define a contract that can be implemented by multiple classes. By making an interface public, it allows any class in the application to implement it.When a class implements an interface, it must provide an implementation for all the members defined in the interface. This ensures that the class adheres to the contract defined by the interface.However, it is important to note that the access modifiers of the members within an interface can be specified. For example, you can have a public method or property within the interface, and the implementing class must also provide a public implementation for that member.

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  • Charlie Hubbard
    Jun, 2024 25

    In Java, when declaring an interface, the access modifier is by default assumed to be public. This means that interfaces are accessible to all classes and packages. It is not possible to specify a different access modifier for an interface other than public geometry dash.

    Here are some key points regarding interfaces and access modifiers in Java:

    Default Access Modifier: If no access modifier is explicitly specified for an interface, it defaults to public. This is why all interfaces are implicitly public in Java.

    Other Access Modifiers Not Allowed: Specifying private, protected, or package-private (default) access modifiers for an interface declaration is not allowed and will result in a compilation error.

    Members of Interface: Inside an interface, all methods are by default public and abstract. Interface fields (constants) are implicitly public, static, and final.

    Inheritance and Access: Interfaces can extend other interfaces using the extends keyword. In this case, the extended interface must also have public access.

    Example of a valid interface declaration:

    1. public interface MyInterface {
    2. void method1();
    3. int CONSTANT = 100;
    4. }

    Attempting to use a different access modifier will result in a compilation error:

    1. // This is incorrect and will cause a compilation error
    2. private interface MyInterface {
    3. void method1();
    4. }

    Therefore, interfaces in Java are designed to be public and accessible from any other class or package that imports them. This design supports the principles of abstraction and polymorphism, which are fundamental to object-oriented programming in Java.

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  • Ma Gu
    Dec, 2023 30

    Yes, “internal” interface is perfectly fine possible.

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