I had following action method in controller.cs
public PrivacyModel GetUserPrivacyDetails() => _userService.GetUserPrivacyDetails();
and following in the ineterface and service class
PrivacyModel GetUserPrivacyDetails();
public PrivacyModel GetUserPrivacyDetails() { List<privacy> privacy = null;
privacy = (from fq in this._dataContext.Privacymasters where fq.Isactive == true select new privacy { privacyId = fq.Id, privacyTitle = fq.Privacyname }).ToList(); PrivacyModel privacyModel = new PrivacyModel(); privacyModel.Privacy = privacy; privacyModel.Type = "Users";
return privacyModel; }
Xunit testcasesd
Please suggest me how to write Xunit testcases for my controller, model and service class action/methods