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XModem over a socket connection?

Feb 3 2009 2:10 PM
I've been tasked with adding socket support to an app that originally did only modem communication. The app dials-out via a modem bank to collect data from remote devices. Some of these devices will now have ethernet capabilites (with serial-to-ethernet adapters) so I need to collect data via the device's IP address instead of phone number.

Once I figure out how to use sockets to do the 'talking' to the devices, I need to receive a binary file from the device via Xmodem-CRC. The serial communication library I used for the modem communication had Xmodem built-in. Is there an Xmodem library out there that I can use for file transfers over socket connections?

I can use Tera Term Pro to connect to a test device via IP and download a file using Xmodem so I know it can be done. I just don't know how... :)
