David Smith

David Smith

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XmlDocument KML Placemark Polygon Coodinates

Sep 30 2016 8:27 AM

I have a simple kml file where I select a specify node and replace the coordinates in the placemark xPath, However I need to add the polygon to the kml placemark path. So there will be two identical polygons in the same polygon file. Review kml data below. I am trying to figure out how to add the second polygon in the file.

I have both polygon coodinates in memory ready to add to the polygon section, but I havent thought of robust way to add the second polygon to placemark xpath. This is what I am doing currently with a template file.

KmlObjectString = geoFileStringBuilder.ToString();

var xmlNode = kmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("kml/Document/Placemark/MultiGeometry/Polygon/outerBoundaryIs/LinearRing/coordinates");
if (xmlNode != null)
xmlNode.InnerText = KmlObjectString.ToString();
string[] nameArray = browseFile.SafeFileName.Split('.');
kmlDoc.Save(@"C:\temp\KML\" + nameArray[0] + ".kml");


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