Mahesh Jaiswal

Mahesh Jaiswal

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WPF Marquee TextBlock

Jul 30 2015 7:59 AM
At each tick event of dispatchertimer, textblock marquee is jumping in wpf
Here is the code
<Grid Grid.Column="0">
<Canvas ClipToBounds="True" Name="canMain" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0">
<TextBlock FontSize="35" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="#ffffe400" Margin="0,0,0,0" Name="tbmarquee"></TextBlock>
DoubleAnimation doubleAnimation = new DoubleAnimation();
doubleAnimation.From = -tbmarquee.ActualWidth;
doubleAnimation.To = canMain.ActualWidth;
doubleAnimation.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;
doubleAnimation.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.Parse("0:0:20"));
tbmarquee.BeginAnimation(Canvas.RightProperty, doubleAnimation);

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