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Wpf charting toolkit static not moving tickmarks

Aug 3 2013 10:27 AM
I have created a chart in my wpf app, using System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Toolkit. I have several lineseries in this chart, with DateTime X-Axis and decimal Y-Axis, and every step, lets say every second, I add one more value to the line, and I remove the oldest one at the same time. So visualy the line in chart is shifting to the left, as new points are being added and old removed.
What I need is to make tickmarks remain at the same position on X-Axis all the time. Now, every time the line is updated, tickmarks keep displaying the same time value (at their labels), and they just shift to the left with the line. I want them to "hold their position" and just change the values of their labels.

Is it possible? I hope it is.
Thank you for replies.