Sanjay Sharma

Sanjay Sharma

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Windows Service N/w Access - Access to the path denied

Aug 7 2018 2:25 AM
Hi All,
I have created windows service.In this service I am accessing file from N/W, while accessing it I am getting an error
Access to the path 'path>' is denied. .
If I am trying to access the above path from console it does work.
some more inputs might help here.
1. Account - LocalAccount
2. Added app.manifest and set requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />
3. Also I read somewhere do not access n/w in windows service but UNC location.
on other hand I am stopping service simply by calling this.stop() once I am not with task.
which work as expected but in service MNC prompt appears( Can't it stop wihout below message in silence?)

Answers (2)