ahmed elbarbary

ahmed elbarbary

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which is best for make authentication securiity identity fra

Aug 5 2019 11:35 PM
which is best for make authentication security using ado.net or using identity user JWT Security ?
I work on big team working on doing ERP web system using asp.net core 2.1. we using Ado.net classes and function and we dont use Entity framework Core 2. we need to to make security to our system but we dont know doing it by ado.net or identity framework ?
my function needs to done
forget password
send email
send sms
I not aware of identity framework security so that are using identity framework for security is good practice or using ado.net ?
I ask this question because i dont need after i start on jwt identity framework security discover some feature not exist or some thing stopped me
so that in my case i will remove it and using another option ado.net.
so that what i do?

Answers (1)