mohamad guntur

mohamad guntur

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what is the return value of datetimepicker at VB.NET . My date variable at SQL is datetime, and how does it synchronized with datetimepicker at my form?

Oct 1 2012 3:44 AM
i'm getting issue with my code. what is the return value of datetimepicker at VB.NET . My date variable at  SQL is datetime,  and how does it synchronized with datetimepicker at my form?

here is the code

cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO PRODUCT(PRODUCT_ID, NAME, DATE_IN) VALUES ('" & Me.txtPRODUCT_ID.Text & "', '" & Me.txtNAME.Text & "', '" & _
                                Me.DateTimePicker1.Value.Date & "')"

thx in advance :)

Answers (2)