gee kay

gee kay

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Web Application which requires keyboard input even without browser focus

Nov 2 2010 7:22 PM

I am creating a website application which requires keyboard input, specifically without browser focus.

Without giving too much away about my great application idea (=P), I want to respond (even to just a single) keyboard key press, with the understanding that the browser will not have focus.

I have been doing a great deal of studying on this front, and I have found much help with keyboard 'hooks', so that no matter which application has focus, I can react to key inputs (the ones I have been playing with are in vc#). And these work, for executables, but I am not sure how to get them into the browser with my web application.

What my question is: Can I use ActiveX (or anything of that ilk - wpf?) to get access to keyboard input regardless of the browser having focus or not.

Thanks so very much for your time, I would love to learn if this type of thing is even possible, before wasting my time learning how to create and use ActiveX (just to learn that it is not).

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