What is Web API?
Asp.net web API is a framework for building web API’s i.e.: HTTP based services on top of the .Net framework.
These Services can then be consumed by a broad range of clients like
Ø Browsers
Ø Mobile Applications
Ø Desktop Applications
Ø IOTs:-are an objects or devices that have an IP address that can able to communicate with Internet and internet enabled Devices and objects.
EX: Security Systems, Electronic Appliances, Cards, Smartphones
Creating Rest Full Services Using WEBAPI:-
What are the RESTful Services?
REST-Representational State Transfer. REST is an architectural pattern for creating Services.
Rest Constraints:-
· Client-server:-client sends the request and server sends the response
· Stateless:-The communication between client and the server is stateless i.e:we should not storing the anything related to the server
Cacheable constraint:-this avoids unnecessary processing of request to the server.
Uniform Interface:-defines the interface between the client and the server
Based on the Client Request respective method is awake in the server side using HTTP Accept Verbs: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE
In Each request there will be a set of Hyperlinks what actions can be performed on the resource