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WCF Token problem

May 18 2009 10:42 AM
Hi everyone!

I'm developing a standard Federated Application, that consists of 3 elements:

- Client - Sample Website project
- Secure Token Service - creates a Tokens and adds some information as a Claims in a ClaimSet
- Service - WCF service with [OperationContract] bool CanUserGoFurther (...)

So how does it work?:
Client Application requests for a SamlToken from STS (wsFederationHttpBinding), and asks Service (wsHttpBinding) for some stuff. Service aplication analyses Token claims using:


and replies to the client.

Every thing works fine (the token is requested, clients gets correct reply), but I want to avoid requesting for a token each time I need to analyse users Claims. Is there any way to store SecuretToken in a session or as a cookie, so as to avoid constant requesting for Token?
