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Video Upload in mvc with IFORM file.

Sep 11 2020 12:14 PM
I have successfully upload video save in server and database in .net core mvc. But I have face an issue video are not playing in webbrowser(All Browser). It's my HTML code
  1. @foreach (var item in Model.lst_MainCategoriesData)  
  2. {  
  3. <tr class="Search">  
  4. <td>@{ Srno++; } @Srno </td>  
  5. <td>  
  6. <div class="video-frame">  
  7. <video id="videoplayer" controls width="200" height="140"  
  8. src="@Url.Content("" +item.CategoryVideo)" loop />  
  9. @*Url.Content("~/ControllerName/ActionName/" + x);*@  
  10. </div>  
  11. </td>  
  12. <td>@Html.DisplayFor(x => item.CategoryName)</td>  
  13. <td>  
  14. @*<button id="@item.CategoryId" class="btn btn-danger btndelete"><i class="fa fa-trash"></i> Delete</button>*@  
  15. <button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger btndelete" onclick="confirmDelete(@item.CategoryId)" id="@item.CategoryId"><i class="fa fa-trash"></i> Delete</button>  
  16. </td>  
  17. </tr>  
  18. }  

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