Vasanthakumar m

Vasanthakumar m

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Vertical scroll bar (Header Alignment)

May 19 2020 5:00 AM
Dear Techies,
How to fix the Header issue in Datatable using Verical scroll bar ?
my Ajax code is
  1. $(document).ready(function () {  
  2. dataTable = $("#ActiveETable").DataTable({  
  3. "paging"false,  
  4. deferRender: true,  
  5. scrollY: 200,  
  6. scrollCollapse: true,  
  7. scroller: true,  
  8. "ajax": {  
  9. "url""/Controller/Datavalue",  
  10. "type""GET",  
  11. "datatype""json",  
  12. "dataSrc":  

Answers (6)