Cassie Mod

Cassie Mod

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vbscript autologon not work for hotmail

Mar 13 2017 11:45 AM
HI ive got the following question. I made a script. however it keeps crashing on my email adres. It keeps saying it is not a valid email adres. It olso passes the values over the text that is already there ( default text to fill in emailadres, username or skype username).. Olso i can't press the button to login. it totlly freezes.  BTW my email credentials are good. If i refresh the page and login with my credentials it works fine.
Olso . how can i puss the logon button automaticly ? i olso think i maybe used the wrong code.
  1. WScript.Quit Main  
  3. Function Main  
  4.   Set IE = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application""IE_")  
  5.   IE.Visible = True  
  6.   IE.Navigate ""  
  7.   Wait IE  
  8.   With IE.Document  
  9.     .getElementByID("i0116").value = "[email protected]"  
  10.     .getElementByID("i0118").value = "mypassword"  
  11.     .getElementByID("idSIButton9")(0).click  
  12.   End With  
  13. End Function  
  15. Sub Wait(IE)  
  16.   Do  
  17.     WScript.Sleep 500  
  18.   Loop While IE.ReadyState < 4 And IE.Busy   
  19.   Do  
  20.     WScript.Sleep 500  
  21.   Loop While IE.ReadyState < 4 And IE.Busy   
  22. End Sub  
  24. Sub IE_OnQuit  
  25.   On Error Resume Next  
  26.   WScript.StdErr.WriteLine "IE closed before script finished."  
  27.   WScript.Quit  
  28. End Sub