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vb.net desktop app pare for a string value

Jun 26 2018 11:28 AM
In a vb.net desktop application, I want to find the substring value of '896', '558957', '5/2/2016', '3150', '1', '018.99', '', '18.99', '8277', '17', '12/4/2017', '1789655895720160502315018.99', 'Y'
that is contained with a 'sqlid' string field.
An example of the field that comes in is the following:
"INSERT INTO tblInvoiceData(SchNum,InvNum,InvDate,ItemNum, Quantity,UnitPrice,Credit,Amount,VendorId,CatId,Boarddate,RecordId,Imported )VALUES ('896', '558957', '5/2/2016', '3150', '1', '018.99', '', '18.99', '8277', '17', '12/4/2017', '1789655895720160502315018.99', 'Y')"
I want to display these values so the user of the application can find the record within the input file that is causing the error. This message is
displayed basically when there are duplicate records.
Thus can you show me the code in vb.net on how to accomplish my goal?

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