narasiman rao

narasiman rao

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Using Two email id i want to send the mail to gridview data

Jan 19 2016 10:34 PM
foreach (GridViewRow gv in GDStudents.Rows)
if (gv.Cells[5].Text != "";)
string fromEmailid = " ";
if (Email_NO == 1)
fromEmailid = "[email protected]";
else if (Email_NO == 2)
fromEmailid ="[email protected]";
fromEmailid ="";
 MailMessage mailmess = new MailMessage();
SmtpClient smtpserver = new SmtpClient("");
smtpserver.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("[email protected]","1234");
smtpserver.Host = "";
smtpserver.Port = 587;
smtpserver.EnableSsl = true;
mailmess.From = new MailAddress("[email protected]","Confirmation");
mailmess.IsBodyHtml = true;
mailmess.Subject = "ConfirmationMail";

string body2 = "<table>";
body2 = body2 + "<tr><td><b>Dear <font color='Maroon'><b>" + gv.Cells[1].Text.ToString().Trim() + ",</font></td></tr>";
body2 = body2 + "<tr><td><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font face='Arial' size='2' color='Navy'><b> " + TxtMessage.Text.ToString().Trim() + " </font></td></tr>";
body2 = body2 + "</table>";
mailmess.Body = body2;
mm.To.Add(new MailAddress(gv.Cells[5].Text.ToString().Trim()));
Thread threademail = new Thread(delegate()
threademail.IsBackground = true;
catch (Exception e11)
{ }
 i am sending mail the below Gridview data to send mail.
txtmessage.text = "Dear Students, Thanks for booking the course";
In run mode In gridview as follows 
 StudentName     Email
  Rakesh              [email protected]
  Magesh             [email protected] 
 i want to send the mail to rakesh from  [email protected] and
 i want to send the mail to Magesh from [email protected]
i written the code to send mail but i want to send mail to rakesh from [email protected] and i want to send the mail to magesh from [email protected]
for that how can i do in using c#.

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