Hi there.
I have the following code
private void SetParameterFieldInfo(String fieldName, int fieldValue){ ParameterDiscreteValue parameterDiscreteValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); parameterDiscreteValue.Value = fieldValue; ParameterValues currentParameterValues = new ParameterValues(); currentParameterValues.Add(parameterDiscreteValue); ParameterField parameterField = new ParameterField(); parameterField.Name = fieldName; parameterField.CurrentValues = currentParameterValues; ParameterFields parameterFields = new ParameterFields(); parameterFields.Add(parameterField); crystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo = parameterFields;}
OK, my problem is that when I execute the line to call SetParameterFieldInfo only, then nothing happens. When I call the RefreshReport() method, it prompts me for the parameter value, which I don't want. When I type in the parameter value, the report displays correctly, so the connections and stuff seems ok.
How can I have my update my report with the new parameters passed from code without having a popup asking for the parameter values?