Shahid Alam

Shahid Alam

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Upload file into document library with column value

Oct 25 2022 9:03 PM

Iam trying to upload file into document library but I can able to upload file but however column data was not reflecting into the column of document library.using rest Api every thing is working but by column value was not showing inside the column


here is my code:

function createListItem() {


var files = $("#attachment")[0].files;

if (files.length > 0) {

fileName = files[0].name;

var webUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl;

var documentLibrary = "MyDocumets";

var targetUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl + "/" + documentLibrary;

// Construct the Endpoint

var url = webUrl + "/_api/Web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(@target)/Files/add(overwrite=true, url='" + fileName + "')?@target='" + targetUrl + "'&$expand=ListItemAllFields";

uploadFileToFolder(files[0], url, function(data) {

var file = data.d;

DocFileName = file.Name;

var updateObject = {

__metadata: {

type: file.ListItemAllFields.__metadata.type},


"DocumentType": $('#documenttype').val(),

"DocumentDescription": $("#Description").val(),

FileLeafRef: DocFileName //FileLeafRef --> Internal Name for Name Column


alert("File uploaded successfully!");

}, function(data) {

alert("File uploading failed");


} else {

alert("Kindly select a file to upload.!")




function uploadFileToFolder(fileObj, url, success, failure) {

var apiUrl = url;

// Initiate method calls using jQuery promises.

// Get the local file as an array buffer.

var getFile = getFileBuffer(fileObj);

// Add the file to the SharePoint folder.

getFile.done(function(arrayBuffer) {


url: apiUrl,//File Collection Endpoint

type: "POST",

data: arrayBuffer,

processData: false,

async: false,

headers: {

"accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",

"X-RequestDigest": jQuery("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val(),


success: function(data) {



error: function(data) {







// Get the local file as an array buffer.

function getFileBuffer(uploadFile) {

var deferred = jQuery.Deferred();

var reader = new FileReader();

reader.onloadend = function(e) {



reader.onerror = function(e) {




return deferred.promise();


i wanted to know how to enter value into the column and upload the document at the sane time