Updating an oracle database

Sep 17 2009 2:53 PM
    I have got a problem updating my oracle database;When i run the code, there is no error detected but when I open the database, no changes have been made. Can someone hemp me please? Here is the code:

string connString = "DSN=cbc;UID=cbc;PWD=cbc";
                    OdbcConnection cnOracle = new OdbcConnection(connString);
                    OdbcCommand cmOracle = cnOracle.CreateCommand();
                    cmOracle.CommandText = "update mouvement set rapprocher = 1 where numerocompte = '"+code+"'";
                    MessageBox.Show(" comptes ont été rapprochés avec succès0000!!"); //to insure no errors during the insertion
                    MessageBox.Show(" comptes ont été rapprochés avec succès11111!!");//to insure no errors during the insertion

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