Sousa Pambo

Sousa Pambo

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update using stringbuilder.append and doing operation

Nov 17 2015 6:02 AM
Hello everybody, I need your help on this problem, see...
Public Sub updateRequisicaoItemBar(ByVal r_id As Integer, ByVal qt As Integer, ByVal price As Double) 
Dim sqlBuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
With sqlBuilder
.Append("update tbl_Stock  set ")
.Append("qtyEnviar='" & CDbl(.Append("qtyEnviar").ToString) + qt - CDbl(.Append("qty").ToString) & "',")
.Append("qty='" & qt & "',")
.Append("PU='" & preco & "'")
.Append("valor='" & (.Append("qty").ToString * price) & "',")
.Append("sent='" & 0 & "'")
.Append(" where id='" & r_id & "'")
End With
Using cn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(getConnectionStringFinance())
Using cm As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sqlBuilder.ToString, cn)
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Using
End Sub
 The red lines seem not doing in the right way, what the right way doing this. please help