Resmy Ravi

Resmy Ravi

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Update Query

Sep 28 2009 2:54 AM

plz help me......
cmd.CommandText =
"update item_creation set item_name='" + txtIname.Text + "',item_code='" + txtIcode.Text + "',item_group='" + cmbUgroup.Text + "',unit='" + cmbUnit.Text + "',Sale_price='" + txtsprice.Text + "',Pur_price='" + txtP_price.Text + "',MRP_price='" + txtMrp.Text + "',Self_Price='" + txtScost.Text + "',Comments='" + txtComments.Text + "',currency='" +cmbPgroup.Text + "' where item_name='" + name.ToString() + "'";
 please help me to find the syntax error in this statement.i am sitting with this for several hours.but i cant get it.....its urgent....plz........ 

Answers (3)