My issue is the update of a dataBase table with a dataSet table as a parameter using C#. Below is the function I used in my code ---> verry simple.
I noticed that in line :updates = da.Update(tmpDS, tableName) ,updates variable is 0 ,so no update possible.Perhaps this is not the way to do the update.IF you can help me with some hints , thanks in advance.public DataSet dsUpdateData(DataSet ds, string tableName, string ConnectionString) { //use a Local temporary dataset DataSet tmpDS = new DataSet(); try { //dataAdapter object SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(SQLQuery + tableName, ConnectionString); //update dataset with records from DataBase int updates = da.Fill(tmpDS,tableName);
//update tmpDS with the parameter dataset foreach (DataRow dataRow in ds.Tables[tableName].Rows) { tmpDS.Tables[tableName1].ImportRow(dataRow); tmpDS.Tables[tableName1].AcceptChanges(); }
//update the dataBase<<<---- here I get now update updates = da.Update(tmpDS, tableName);
return tmpDS; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } }