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Unicode Decimal NCRs

Jul 8 2008 6:40 AM
After scouring the internet for a while im a bit baffled as to how to display decimal unicode characters within .NET.

I have a small app that collects some strings from a MySQL database, the string are stored as decimal NCRs (i.e H#) and i first of all tried converting them via MySQL so that i could make a new column with a converted string, however that wont work as they are technically 5 characters # & 7 2 ; so it doesnt convert them, so i thought maybe .NET would support it. However i cant find anything out about it, so im just wondering if anyone else has ever had to work with this and how they found a way round it?

I need to be able to add/edit/view the contained strings within the relvent plain text, any help would be great!

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