Obaid Baig

Obaid Baig

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Understanding how INotifiyPropertyChanged works.

Feb 27 2023 2:13 AM

I tried to read and understand your UseOf_INotifyPropertyChanged c# project. When I tried to create the same project with differnt name all works goes fine but MainWindow.xaml designer not accepting the following line.

<VM:MainWindowViewModel x:Name="VMMainWindow"></VM:MainWindowViewModel>

I am getting the following error.

Error    XDG0008    The name "MainWindowViewModel" does not exist in the namespace "clr-namespace:DebtorAccountInfo.ViewModel"

I don't see the same error in your project. Would you please help me to correct this error. I like this project the way you preseted. I need to understand and correct this error.





Answers (2)