i am trying to getting to response from webhook to that i am passing static values
public void InsertCCResponse() { CreditCardPaymentRequest objTransactions = new CreditCardPaymentRequest(); WebhookRequest objWebhookResponse = new WebhookRequest(); WebhookResponse objRequest = new WebhookResponse(); objWebhookResponse.ipayid = "30110"; objWebhookResponse.rescode = "TXN"; if (objWebhookResponse.rescode == "TXN") { objTransactions.ackno = "NA"; objTransactions.Status = "SUCCESS"; objTransactions.RefID =30110; objTransactions.ResponseObject = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; objTransactions.ModifiedBy = "Admin"; //objTransactions.TransactionID = objTransactions.TransactionID; objTransactions.UTR = "50067"; //sending data to the vendor objRequest.ipayid = objWebhookResponse.ipayid; objRequest.success = true; objRequest.description = "callback called successfully"; } }
if the above condition is true i need to update the my db table
in my sql helper the procedure executes well but in my db table the values not updating. idk why pls help me
my Procedure
if( @CurrentStatus='SUCCESS' and (@Status='FAILED' or @Status='REFUND')) begin set @AllowUpdate=1 end else if(@CurrentStatus='PENDING') begin set @AllowUpdate=1 end else if( @CurrentStatus='SUCCESS' and (@Status='SUCCESS' and @UTR!='NA')) begin set @AllowUpdate=1 end else begin set @AllowUpdate=0 end if(@AllowUpdate=1) begin update creditcardpayments set ResponseObject=@ResponseObject, [Status]=@Status, ModifiedDate=GETDATE(),ModifiedBy=@modifiedby,UTR=@UTR where refid=@refid
my DAL Class
when the procedure excutes it should return something but here i am getting empty nothing pls help me to solve
my Procedure Values
@AckNo nvarchar(200), @Status nvarchar(100), @RefID bigint, @ResponseObject nvarchar(max), @ModifiedBy nvarchar(100), @UTR nvarchar(250) =''