Dorababu Meka

Dorababu Meka

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Unable to load the Javascript calendar on Href

May 27 2011 5:37 AM
I used the following Jquery to load calendar on clicking HREF but it does not work can any one tell why

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <a class="click-on-link" href="#">show datepicker</a>
My Jquery is as follows

<script type="text/javascript"> function showDate(date) {   //alert('The date chosen is ' + date); } $(function() {   $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_TextBox2').datepick();   // assign anonimous function as event handler and call showdate from it   $('#clickOnIt').click( function() {     showDate( $(this).val() );   } ); }); </script>
Can any one tell what to do

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