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unable to get the specific list/library contenttypes csom

Sep 20 2018 6:19 AM


I am unable to get the specific list/library contenttypes using csom powershell. List is getting fetched.

Getting error:"The collection has not been initialized. It has not been requested or the request has not been executed. It may need to be explicitly requested."

Below is code I used to get content type collection:

$Context = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($siteUrl)
$Context.Credentials = $credentials $Context.ExecuteQuery()

$Web= $Context.Web $Context.Load($Web) $Context.ExecuteQuery()   $listsColl=$Web.Lists $Context.Load($listsColl) $Context.ExecuteQuery()  $contentTypeColl=$Context.Site.RootWeb.ContentTypes $Context.Load($contentTypeColl) $Context.ExecuteQuery()  $CT=$contentTypeColl | where {$_.Id -eq "0x010100793AA7D56406304698C72BB5734F0C25"} $Context.Load($CT) $Context.ExecuteQuery()      $list=$listsColl.GetByTitle("1_Uploaded Files") $Context.Load($list) $Context.ExecuteQuery()   $listContentypes= $list.ContentTypes $Context.Load($listContentypes) $Context.ExecuteQuery()

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