Bharathi Raja

Bharathi Raja

  • NA
  • 1.1k
  • 55.6k

unable to connect to any of the specified mysql hosts.

Aug 21 2017 1:39 AM
static Globals() { GlobalInt = 1234; export_count = 0; Setshift = "Noon"; privilege = 0; Shifclose = 0; reportonly = 0; line1 = "HEADER"; line2 = ""; line3 = ""; line4 = ""; connectionstring = "Server=;Port=3306;Database=chillum_timer;Uid=root;password=root;"; check1 = 0; check2 = 0; check3 = 0; close_status = 1; sclose_eid1 = "0"; dgridview_color = "#3a0000"; kop_print_11 = 1; kop_print_21 = 0; notifyIcon11 = 0; }
urgent please help me... 

Answers (3)