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Two groups in CrystalReport - embeded groups

Jun 28 2012 7:28 AM
I have a CrystalReport in which I want to devide the records in two groups depending on datatable field "id". In the first group I want to have the records which have id value less then or equal to 10, and in the second group >10. Also within the group I also want to have another group depending on id.

If the id<=10 I want the textobject in the crystal report to have value "Pr" and if >10 to have value "IS"

It should look like:

Pr (First group if id<=10)

 id  Name Price

 01 ppp    124 (Embedded groups)
 01 ppp     56
 02 kkk     67

 03 nnn     89

Is (Second group if id>10)

 22 mmm
 23 bbb
 25 ddd

I inserted group selection formula and chose is less then or equal to 10, but now I get only one group, I can not see the other group for the case if id>10 and Text12 has value "Is". I don't know what to do, how to solve this.
Can anybody please help me?

P.S. I use one datatable from the dataset for the report.

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