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Trying to retrieve a variable from a program.

Dec 17 2009 1:13 PM
I have a form (form1.cs) that sends a transaction record variable (TranRec) to a program (Transporter.cs) by calling it using Transporter.ConnectToDMV(TranRec);.

Transporter.cs does what it needs to do and returns to form1.cs for the user to enter and submit another transaction. Here's part of the Transporter.cs code.


public partial class Transporter
public static void ConnectToDMV(string TranRec)
{ rest of code processing TranRec ...

What I also need Transporter.cs to do is return a variable (logLU) back to form1.cs. For this I am using the following code;


Form1 aForm = new Form1();


public void SetValue(string luValue)
logLU = luValue;

// for testing purposes
MessageBox.Show("Here's the value of (form1)luValue: " + luValue);
MessageBox.Show("Here's the value of (form1)logLU: " + logLU);


I can see both variables in the messageboxes so I know logLU gets to form1.cs but then it returns to null when I need it in other parts of form1.cs. What am I missing??? Similar code works in other parts of my program but not here. BTW, I'm a newbie to C# and this is my first application.

Any advise will be very much apprecaited. Confused

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