Inserting byte[] data into Oracle DB works fine until I insert it within a Transaction. If done within transaction then it will always truncate the byte array to 2000 bytes. Here is the sample code:// These are the 2 values (string and byte array of 3456 bytes) that will insert.byte[] theBytes = File.ReadAllBytes("C:\\Test.jpg");OracleParameter strParam = new OracleParameter();strParam.OracleType = OracleType.VarChar;strParam.Value = "The string value";strParam.ParameterName = "STRPARAM";OracleParameter blobParam = new OracleParameter();blobParam.OracleType = OracleType.Blob;blobParam.Value = theBytes;blobParam.ParameterName = "BLOBPARAM";// Setup insert statement.OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString); OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand("Insert into MYTABLE(STRFLD, BLOBFLD) values (:STRPARAM, :BLOBPARAM)", connection);command.Parameters.Add(strParam);command.Parameters.Add(blobParam); connection.Open();// If comment out the transaction part then insert works. // If leave like it is then truncates byte[] data to 2000 bytes.command.Transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();command.ExecuteNonQuery();command.Transaction.Commit();Does anyone know why this happens? Any help would be much appreciated.Thanks,Keith