dheeraj gupta

dheeraj gupta

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Treeview control with checkboxes in angular 6

Sep 10 2018 10:17 AM
Hello Everyone,
I am working on admin panel in angular 6. According to the requirement I need to show menu options under each usergoup to assign / Unassign menu rights.For example if there are two usergroup like admin,HR in dropdown. when user select one option then a tree should  appear with menu as parent node and its associated sub menu as child node. All node should be check for which user has rigths and rest should be unchecked.
If a user click on parent node all checkboxes in child nodes should be checked.
if all child nodes are checked then parent node should automatically be checked.
All above changes should be posted to server.
I want to achieve the same using bootstrap and angular only. I tried to search what approach to be followed on internet but unable to get any satisfactory answer.
Suggesstions are welcome.
 Thanks in advance. 

Answers (1)