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ToString() & get()

Feb 11 2012 9:09 AM
In this example program if we replaced ToString() method by get() method same result can be obtained. So that what is the purpose of using ToString() method.

using System;
class Customer
protected string name;
protected double balanceDue;

public Customer()
name = "Maha";
balanceDue = 0;
class PreferredCustomer : Customer
private double discountRate;
private int sinceYear;

public PreferredCustomer()
discountRate = 0.08;
sinceYear = 1997;
public new string ToString()
return name + " " + balanceDue + " " + discountRate + " " + sinceYear;
class DemoPreferredCustomerConstructor2
public static void Main()
PreferredCustomer pc = new PreferredCustomer();
Console.WriteLine("The preferred customer is {0}", pc.ToString());

The preferred customer is Maha 0 0.08 1997

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