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TopMost without setting the form to be in top of all operating windows

Oct 23 2009 8:37 AM
Hi, I have an application which has a form which does the Loading Dialog so the user knows there is something loading in the background and so the user cant close or touch the running form or windows. Now say I have Microsoft Word open and then I open my application and I log in the application, the Loading Dialog will show and I have set the property of the form TopMost = true. But I have found that what it does it to show this form in top of all windows so if I try to open Microsoft Word I have the Loading bar in top and I can't read what it's in the page. I have set the property to Top Most so the user can see that there is something loading in top of my application. But badly it also goes in top of other applications. Is there any way to solve this?

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