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To extract ENTER keystroke which is outside C# application

Jan 23 2013 3:29 AM
Hi All,

I am able to make use of this third party product, http://globalmousekeyhook.codeplex.com/
which is able to extract keystroke which is outside C# application, e.g like in Notepad.

However, I ONLY want to extract the ENTER keystroke. that is:

Say for instance, if user press "123" followed by the ENTER, the count would trigger 1, not 4.

And the next instance if user press 456, followed by the ENTER, the count would trigger 2.

Is it possible?

I try to put under one of those Key event, like HookManager_KeyUp, it counts also non-ENTER keys, which I do not want. So where should I put my code under?


Attachment: code.zip

Answers (13)