sunakshi saxena

sunakshi saxena

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Time comparison

Mar 14 2012 7:20 AM
Hi i have a java script function which compares two times time in and time out and if time in is greater then time out then it shows a popup that time out should not less then time in but if time in value is greater then 10:00 then its not showing popup because both time-in and time-out are in string and when it compares both then it compare the first value of time-in like 1 with 9 if time out is 9:07 and we give time out value 09:07 then it is perfect i am writing over here my function please suggest me changes in code. as soon as possible.

function IsValidTime(timeStr, strvar)
// Checks if time is in HH:MM:SS AM/PM format.
// The seconds and AM/PM are optional.
var txttimein =(document.getElementById("<%=txtTimeIn.ClientID %>");
var txttimeout = document.getElementById("<%=txtTimeOut.ClientID %>");

if (txttimein.value=="")
$("#<%=Label1.ClientID%>").text("Time In can not be left blank");
return false;
if (txttimeout.value=="")
$("#<%=Label1.ClientID%>").text("Time Out can not be left blank");
return false;
if (txttimein.value > txttimeout.value)
$("#<%=Label1.ClientID%>").text("Time Out can not be less than Time In.");
 controlID = txttimein;
 return false;

var timePat =/^(([0-9])|([0-1][0-9])|([2][0-3])):(([0-9])|([0-5][0-9]))$/;

var matchArray = timeStr.match(timePat);

if (matchArray == null) {

 if(strvar == "timein")

  $("#<%=Label1.ClientID%>").text("Time In is not in a valid format.Time format should be HH:MM.");
  controlID = txttimein;

  alert("Time In is not in a valid format.Time format should be HH:MM.");
  $("#<%=Label1.ClientID%>").text("Time Out is not in a valid format.  Time format should be HH:MM.");
  controlID = txttimeout;
  alert("Time In is not in a valid format.Time format should be HH:MM.");

alert("Time is not in a valid format.");
return false;
hour = matchArray[1];
minute = matchArray[2];
second = matchArray[4];

if (second=="") { second = null; }

if (minute<0 || minute > 59) {
$("#<%=Label1.ClientID%>").text("Minute must be between 0 and 59.");
if(strvar == "timein")
 controlID = txttimein;
  controlID = txttimeout;

return false;

if (second != null && (second < 0 || second > 59)) {
$("#<%=Label1.ClientID%>").text("Second must be between 0 and 59.");
if(strvar == "timein")
 controlID = txttimein;
  controlID = txttimeout;5

return false;
return true;

function trim(stringToTrim) {
  return stringToTrim.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");