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TFS vs. BuildMaster - A Comparison

Jun 7 2011 10:10 AM
We're often asked how BuildMaster and Microsoft Team Foundation Server compare, especially given that, in theory, TFS could do most of what BuildMaster does.
The fact is anything can do what BuildMaster does if you modify / customize/ add-on enough. Literally, anything: Subversion, Microsoft Word, or even COBOL. After all, BuildMaster is just software, not magic.
When considering how good of a fit any tool is for a problem, there are three important things to consider.
  1. What was the tool designed to do, and what do you get out-of-the-box?
  2. How much work will be involved in adapting the tool to solve the problem?
  3. What will the ongoing costs be in maintaining the adaptations as business requirements and the underlying platforms change?
For the Full Article see:

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